Do I need travel insurance if my flight is canceled?
It's expected to snow in England and I have a flight from here to Baltimore next Thursday. I've never flown before, so I don't know if travel insurance is to cover you for getting injured, or if it has anything to do with flights and such. If my flight is canceled, will I get put onto another flight if I do not have insurance? Also, how much snow is required to disrupt flights? Snow over here doesn't tend to get very deep.
Air Travel - 3 Answers
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1 :
You'd better get the insurance BEFORE you go.
2 :
You do not need insurance to get put on another flight if the flight is canceled. The airline puts you on a later flight (if it is because of a snowstorm, it could be several days later) and does not charge you additional money. You may need money to pay for a hotel room near the airport if you do not want to go back home to wait.
3 :
Well you don't have to bother for that, flight company will arrange it for you.