Anyone know about flight information from Baltimore to Seattle?
My brothers, mom, and I are flying from Baltimore to Seattle for our Alaska cruise this July. I know that it will be kind of long, since we are flying to the other side of the country. Also, we have to cross three time zones, so we'll probably have some jet lag. Does anybody have more info about this flight (not this particular one, just cross-country flights in general)? I'm not sure about the airline, but do all airlines do the same things for flights like this one? Will they have snack boxes? I love those things :). Also, will they show a movie during the flight since it will take a few hours? If anyone can help be, that would be great! I'm not scared to fly on a plane, I just want to know some info about flights tot he other side of the country. i have flown many times before, including twice to Mexico. I'm not scared to fly on a plane, I just want to know some info about flights to the other side of the country. i have flown many times before, including twice to Mexico. It's hard for me to sleep on planes since I'm sometimes looking out the window to see what it's like down below :) but if I have to I will
Air Travel - 3 Answers
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1 :
okay, my husband is in the army, we had to go from cali to germany, over 13 hours of flying alone. I so feel lucky your only going to be on for a few hours lol. Okay, we flew from cali to indy in christmas 08, thats pretty much accross country, we flew delta then, they will have sodas, coffee, juce, water and snacks, DEPENDING on the time your flying they may even have a meal. The will more then likely show a movie, they usually do if the flight is longer the 2 1/2 hours. Don't be nervous, Flying scared me to death until i married a service man, now we fly all the time and i am just used to it. Jet lag is probably going to happen, but if your going BEHIND in time, it is easier to get over, going from cali to germany with a 9 hour time diffrence was HARD. we had jet lag for weeks lol, but you will be fine. If your worried about not getting snacks or a meal on the plane, AFTER you go threw security, you can stop at a mcdonalds or whatever in the terminal and bring it on board, AS LONG AS YOU GET FOOD AFTER security that is fine. You can also get a starbucks or something else too. If your worried they may not have a movie and you may grow board, bring your cd player or i pod, and or a nintendo DS or psp a book or whatever, the flight attendents will let you know when its okay to use them, you can even bring your laptop, as long as you keep the wireless OFF. I hope this helps you! :) happy flying and enjoy your cruise! lol sorry if i implied you were scared, many people are so i just thought i would throw that in there
2 :
There are tips you can do to help with jet lag. Just view my site on jet lag tips.
3 :
It depends on the airline you are flying with. Some airlines will show a movie while others will not. Also it depends on if your flight is non-stop or one where there are stops. Shorter flights usually do not show a movie. As for the snack box, I would not be surprised if they sell them but it doesn't hurt to eat something before boarding. As for the cross-country flight, you will be gaining hours so I suggest you try to sleep as much as you can on the flight there. That way you can stay up a little longer when it is night and you can adjust to the time zone change better.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
The Ravens better book a flight back to Baltimore
The Ravens better book a flight back to Baltimore.....?
BECAUSE THE STEELERS ARE ABOUT TO CLIP THEIR WINGS.... ANY STEELERS FANS OUT THERE WHO AGREE???? Don't bet on it chanceal- your team is goin down hard on sunday..
Football (American) - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
its going to be a great game. we're playing a tough team and shouldnt get cocky. hell this might even be a better game than the super bowl.
2 :
Not a question. But yes, Steelers will win. Flacco won't do anything against the Steeler defense, and since the running game his diminished for the Ravens, too much pressure is on the Raven defense to win. And the Steelers offense his been hot lately, so I think the Ravens are outmtached at every aspect. Steelers 21, Ravens 13
3 :
Put your pipe down. Get ready to cry in your urine stained towel.
4 :
You can believe what you want, but it won't do anything once the Ravens win on sunday. I'm sorry that you have to be a steelers fan.
5 :
I'd put a gag ball in your mouth before you jinx them. Hopefully the Steelers win, but don't underestimate Baltimore. That defense looks familiar to the SB Ravens.
6 :
well u know the titans were so confident. and look at where that got them ;) spectating just like us so if those squeelerz come in like that they might as well start planning their superbowl parties as spectators lol. so pleeze don't underestimate my team. and after the game when we win pleeze keep in touch with us rav3nz fanz so we can rub it in ur....FACE!!
7 :
steelers are going down the ravens defense will get to much pressure on rothlesberger and then Pittsburgh run game will only be ok and the ravens are going to win. It will be a great games and i agree that it will probably be better than the suberbowl
8 :
I'm sorry but these over confident Steeler fans are really pissing me off this week. The ravens seem like one of the toughest opponents left in the playoffs so they arent going to be easy to beat. With that being said, i do believe the Steelers can win and here's why: 1. They have more experience in the playoffs 2. They have the #1 defence in the league. 3. Joe Flacco is still a rookie QB so he is probably going to have alot of pressure on him that he's not quite ready for. 4. The Steelers have home field advantage. (That place gets so loud its not even funny) I DO NOT think the Steelers are going to "clip their wings" on Sunday because these are two the best defensive teams in the league. May the better or well prepared team win.
9 :
The Ravens will be going back to Baltimore with the AFC Championship! Pittsburgh may have the number one defense, but Baltimore is number 2 by not that much. Both teams are eveny matched on offense and defense. The game could go either way. Don't expect a high scoring game, and this game has a good chance or going into overtime It will probably come down to field position, field goals, and defense. Baltimore will come out on top. Sorry, Pittsburgh, not this year! I know it'll be a long time till September (The Pirates? hahaha!).
10 :
11 :
no ravens all the way they have a better defense plus mcgahee and heap RAVENS!!!!!!!!!!
12 :
I think that the Steelers should win but it very hard to beat a team three times in one season. The teams are a lot like each other. And while Flaco should be better this time around having already faced the Steelers at home I still have more faith that Big Ben would be able to win the game more. I do worry about what would happen if Big Ben gets hit hard in the head.
BECAUSE THE STEELERS ARE ABOUT TO CLIP THEIR WINGS.... ANY STEELERS FANS OUT THERE WHO AGREE???? Don't bet on it chanceal- your team is goin down hard on sunday..
Football (American) - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
its going to be a great game. we're playing a tough team and shouldnt get cocky. hell this might even be a better game than the super bowl.
2 :
Not a question. But yes, Steelers will win. Flacco won't do anything against the Steeler defense, and since the running game his diminished for the Ravens, too much pressure is on the Raven defense to win. And the Steelers offense his been hot lately, so I think the Ravens are outmtached at every aspect. Steelers 21, Ravens 13
3 :
Put your pipe down. Get ready to cry in your urine stained towel.
4 :
You can believe what you want, but it won't do anything once the Ravens win on sunday. I'm sorry that you have to be a steelers fan.
5 :
I'd put a gag ball in your mouth before you jinx them. Hopefully the Steelers win, but don't underestimate Baltimore. That defense looks familiar to the SB Ravens.
6 :
well u know the titans were so confident. and look at where that got them ;) spectating just like us so if those squeelerz come in like that they might as well start planning their superbowl parties as spectators lol. so pleeze don't underestimate my team. and after the game when we win pleeze keep in touch with us rav3nz fanz so we can rub it in ur....FACE!!
7 :
steelers are going down the ravens defense will get to much pressure on rothlesberger and then Pittsburgh run game will only be ok and the ravens are going to win. It will be a great games and i agree that it will probably be better than the suberbowl
8 :
I'm sorry but these over confident Steeler fans are really pissing me off this week. The ravens seem like one of the toughest opponents left in the playoffs so they arent going to be easy to beat. With that being said, i do believe the Steelers can win and here's why: 1. They have more experience in the playoffs 2. They have the #1 defence in the league. 3. Joe Flacco is still a rookie QB so he is probably going to have alot of pressure on him that he's not quite ready for. 4. The Steelers have home field advantage. (That place gets so loud its not even funny) I DO NOT think the Steelers are going to "clip their wings" on Sunday because these are two the best defensive teams in the league. May the better or well prepared team win.
9 :
The Ravens will be going back to Baltimore with the AFC Championship! Pittsburgh may have the number one defense, but Baltimore is number 2 by not that much. Both teams are eveny matched on offense and defense. The game could go either way. Don't expect a high scoring game, and this game has a good chance or going into overtime It will probably come down to field position, field goals, and defense. Baltimore will come out on top. Sorry, Pittsburgh, not this year! I know it'll be a long time till September (The Pirates? hahaha!).
10 :
11 :
no ravens all the way they have a better defense plus mcgahee and heap RAVENS!!!!!!!!!!
12 :
I think that the Steelers should win but it very hard to beat a team three times in one season. The teams are a lot like each other. And while Flaco should be better this time around having already faced the Steelers at home I still have more faith that Big Ben would be able to win the game more. I do worry about what would happen if Big Ben gets hit hard in the head.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Extra flights I don't need, can I cancel them? Flying from Baltimore to New York to DC to Mexico City
Extra flights I don't need, can I cancel them? Flying from Baltimore to New York to DC to Mexico City?
I can save like $200 by purchasing a flight that leaves baltimore then goes to new york, then to DC and on to Mexico, as opposed to buying the one from DC straight to Mexico. Can I talk to the airline and get the new york flights canceled and just fly from DC to Mexico? I'm flying with United airlines.
Air Travel - 4 Answers
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1 :
I am a pilot for US Airways, and I have flew a couple of these crazy routes myself, while on vacation. I would say yes, but I am not a reservation/gate agent. No one on this site may be able to tell you the answer, because it really depends upon how the reservation/gate agents day is going. What you can do, is just show up at the DC airport, and check in their for your flight. Missing these other segments shouldn't matter. The people at United's counter can just delete them, its as simple as clicking a little X, thats marked delete. No, none of my answer is incorrect. The answer below me is incorrect, for calling mine incorrect. I am certain if you speak with an airline agent, you may be able to remove these flights, but dingus below be may be right about the change fee. Most airlines charge a damn fee now, to change how your flight segments are alligned. But, I have done it many times, free of charge. Enjoy your trip. Be carefull in Mexico, I'm hubed in Phoenix. I know how it is down there.
2 :
Every single piece of advice given to you in the first answer is wrong. If you call and ask to cancel the first leg, they will reprice the ticket to what it would cost for the DC to Mexico portion, as well as charge you the change fee for that. In other words, you would end up paying more for the ticket than if you just bought the ticket leaving from Baltimore and flew those extra segments. You also can't simply fail to show up for the flight from Baltimore and then expect to get on at DC -- once you miss the first flight, all remaining legs on the itinerary are automatically cancelled. This is something that is done automatically by the reservation system computer -- gate agents usually don't have the flexibility to override this. EDIT: The link below is from United Airlines' contract of carriage -- this is the document that governs the rights and responsibilities of passengers and the airline when a ticket is purchased from UA. Rule 135, which governs cancellation of tickets, says the following: "IF THE PASSENGER FAILS TO OCCUPY SPACE WHICH HAS BEEN RESERVED FOR HIM/HER ON A UA FLIGHT, AND UA FAILS TO RECEIVE NOTICE OF THE CANCELLATION OF SUCH RESERVATION PRIOR TO THE DEPARTURE OF SUCH FLIGHT; OR IF ANY CARRIER CANCELS THE RESERVATION OF ANY PASSENGER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS RULE, UA WILL CANCEL ALL RESERVATIONS HELD BY SUCH PASSENGER ON THE FLIGHTS OF UA FOR CONTINUING OR RETURN SPACE, PROVIDED UA ORIGINALLY RESERVED THAT SPACE." (See page 18 of the PDF if you don't believe me.) The personal attacks in response to my post have been noted and bear no further comment.
3 :
yea, i did that once, just ask them to change the plane ticket,
4 :
Call United and get the right answer.......easy..........
I can save like $200 by purchasing a flight that leaves baltimore then goes to new york, then to DC and on to Mexico, as opposed to buying the one from DC straight to Mexico. Can I talk to the airline and get the new york flights canceled and just fly from DC to Mexico? I'm flying with United airlines.
Air Travel - 4 Answers
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1 :
I am a pilot for US Airways, and I have flew a couple of these crazy routes myself, while on vacation. I would say yes, but I am not a reservation/gate agent. No one on this site may be able to tell you the answer, because it really depends upon how the reservation/gate agents day is going. What you can do, is just show up at the DC airport, and check in their for your flight. Missing these other segments shouldn't matter. The people at United's counter can just delete them, its as simple as clicking a little X, thats marked delete. No, none of my answer is incorrect. The answer below me is incorrect, for calling mine incorrect. I am certain if you speak with an airline agent, you may be able to remove these flights, but dingus below be may be right about the change fee. Most airlines charge a damn fee now, to change how your flight segments are alligned. But, I have done it many times, free of charge. Enjoy your trip. Be carefull in Mexico, I'm hubed in Phoenix. I know how it is down there.
2 :
Every single piece of advice given to you in the first answer is wrong. If you call and ask to cancel the first leg, they will reprice the ticket to what it would cost for the DC to Mexico portion, as well as charge you the change fee for that. In other words, you would end up paying more for the ticket than if you just bought the ticket leaving from Baltimore and flew those extra segments. You also can't simply fail to show up for the flight from Baltimore and then expect to get on at DC -- once you miss the first flight, all remaining legs on the itinerary are automatically cancelled. This is something that is done automatically by the reservation system computer -- gate agents usually don't have the flexibility to override this. EDIT: The link below is from United Airlines' contract of carriage -- this is the document that governs the rights and responsibilities of passengers and the airline when a ticket is purchased from UA. Rule 135, which governs cancellation of tickets, says the following: "IF THE PASSENGER FAILS TO OCCUPY SPACE WHICH HAS BEEN RESERVED FOR HIM/HER ON A UA FLIGHT, AND UA FAILS TO RECEIVE NOTICE OF THE CANCELLATION OF SUCH RESERVATION PRIOR TO THE DEPARTURE OF SUCH FLIGHT; OR IF ANY CARRIER CANCELS THE RESERVATION OF ANY PASSENGER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS RULE, UA WILL CANCEL ALL RESERVATIONS HELD BY SUCH PASSENGER ON THE FLIGHTS OF UA FOR CONTINUING OR RETURN SPACE, PROVIDED UA ORIGINALLY RESERVED THAT SPACE." (See page 18 of the PDF if you don't believe me.) The personal attacks in response to my post have been noted and bear no further comment.
3 :
yea, i did that once, just ask them to change the plane ticket,
4 :
Call United and get the right answer.......easy..........
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I am flying from Baltimore, Md to Sarasota, Fl and I have a connecting flight in Atlanta, I only have 40 mins
I am flying from Baltimore, Md to Sarasota, Fl and I have a connecting flight in Atlanta, I only have 40 mins.
I am flying from Baltimore to Sarasota and my connecting flight is in Atlanta. I have never been to Atlanta's airport before and I know it is a very large airport. I am flying Delta for both flights. I only have 45 mins to catch my flight, am I going to make it?!
Air Travel - 5 Answers
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1 :
You are pushing it. As you say the airport is huge. Perhaps you can find out ahead of time what gates each flight arrives/departs from. Maybe they are close to each other and you will be fine. At least they are same airline so that is a possibility, but if you are in different terminals, You're going to have to move it.
2 :
I was there yesterday-- if you hustle-you can just make it if your connecting gate is on the complete opposite side of the airport.
3 :
If you have delta for both flights they will make sure you make your connection. Let you flight attendant know on your first flight and she will expedite your trip through the airport. They might even provide a golf cart for you. Just let them know. You won't have a problem.
4 :
I have traveled alot and stoped at atlanta before and one rule when geting connecting flights is stay on the same airline unless u have bout 4 hours of your good, ur other plane needs to be close to the one you get off from.
5 :
I have had much, much less time to connect to another flight--even from one end of the airport to another--Since you're connecting with the same carrier (Delta), then look for a Delta rep. when you get off in Atlanta, but don't go out of your way, and let them know you're situation...they should be helpful. 45 minutes is plenty of time to connect unless you smoke and want a few drinks before boarding. Good worries, you also wouldn't be the first person running through an airport. I do both and still make it.
I am flying from Baltimore to Sarasota and my connecting flight is in Atlanta. I have never been to Atlanta's airport before and I know it is a very large airport. I am flying Delta for both flights. I only have 45 mins to catch my flight, am I going to make it?!
Air Travel - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You are pushing it. As you say the airport is huge. Perhaps you can find out ahead of time what gates each flight arrives/departs from. Maybe they are close to each other and you will be fine. At least they are same airline so that is a possibility, but if you are in different terminals, You're going to have to move it.
2 :
I was there yesterday-- if you hustle-you can just make it if your connecting gate is on the complete opposite side of the airport.
3 :
If you have delta for both flights they will make sure you make your connection. Let you flight attendant know on your first flight and she will expedite your trip through the airport. They might even provide a golf cart for you. Just let them know. You won't have a problem.
4 :
I have traveled alot and stoped at atlanta before and one rule when geting connecting flights is stay on the same airline unless u have bout 4 hours of your good, ur other plane needs to be close to the one you get off from.
5 :
I have had much, much less time to connect to another flight--even from one end of the airport to another--Since you're connecting with the same carrier (Delta), then look for a Delta rep. when you get off in Atlanta, but don't go out of your way, and let them know you're situation...they should be helpful. 45 minutes is plenty of time to connect unless you smoke and want a few drinks before boarding. Good worries, you also wouldn't be the first person running through an airport. I do both and still make it.
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